Tuesday 20 March 2018

10 chef secrets: What happens to uneaten bread, what not to order and more.

Does every kitchen really have bugs? What happens to all that extra table bread? And do servers actually hate it when you ask for substitutions? If you think recipes are the only secrets chefs have been keeping from us, think again! Food Network conducted an anonymous survey among professional chefs across the country and convinced them to share dozens of secrets they'll never tell their secret Chefs reveal their 25 best-kept secrets advertisement Here are 10 that we think you need to know: 1. Picky eaters are a pain Want the chicken marsala with peas instead of mushrooms? Hope you also want an annoyed chef, because according to the survey, over 60 percent of chefs said they find substitutions irritating. 2. Pass the bread, please ... to another table Three chefs admitted that uneaten, but possibly handled, bread removed from one table may makes its way to a new table at their restaurants. 3. The 5-second rule You know that unwritten rule that states if you drop food on the floor, it's still OK to eat if you pick it up within five seconds? Well, chefs know it, too, and 25 percent of them said they actually follow it. Good thing we discovered the rule checks out! Bobby Flay: There's no 5-second rule in MY kitchen advertisement 4. What not to order When dining out, most chefs avoid pasta and chicken dishes because they're the "most overpriced" and the "least interesting" options on the menu. 5. Pesky pests Too bad this tidbit didn't remain a secret: Roaches aren't rare in the kitchen. A full 75 percent of those surveyed said they've seen the pests with their own eyes. 6. The special really is special Specials aren't just an effective kitchen clear-out for chefs. Most of those asked said that their specials highlight seasonal ingredients and "experimental" dishes. 7. Vegetarian-ish If you're strictly vegetarian, you should know that your meal might not be. Around 15 percent of the chefs surveyed said their vegetarian meals don't always meet the meat-free standard. Make vegan comfort food: Artichoke garlic bread, cauliflower 'wings' 8. Unsavory behavior Everyone has heard horror stories about chefs getting even with bad customers by doing very bad things to their food behind the kitchen doors. Well, while it does happen, only 13 percent of chefs admit they've actually witnessed that type of bad business. 9. Tip well Across the board, chefs said 20 percent is the amount you should be tipping servers — and that that's what they do when they dine out. 10. Or don't... Well, that's what they usually do. A whopping 90 percent believe it's fair to tip less as a penalty for bad service. Hot News Today>>>

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